Welcome! Thanks for your interest in joining the Mooney Lab.
Undergraduates If you are a second year or beyond BioSci or EcoEvo Major and enjoy working in the outdoors please contact Dr. Mooney ([email protected]). In your email, include the following: (1) Why you are interested in working in the Mooney Lab (as opposed to another lab here at UCI), (2) any relevant work and research experience and (3) what you think you’d like to do after graduating from UCI.
Graduate Students I am looking for interested and motivated graduate students to join me as I initiate new research and continue existing projects. Please read this letter for background on the Mooney Lab and what you should provide me if you are interested in applying to UCI. After you have read this, please contact me with your interests.
Postdocs I do not currently have funding for a postdoc in my lab, but I will consider sponsoring candidates who are applying for outside sources of funding.